
black ice

A few people this morning were treated to the sight of a cyclist sliding down the street on his back like an overturned turtle. No injury, only slight damage to bike stuff, and a good laugh.


oh toes

-15F this morning, that's a new low for me on the bike. I learned the following:

1. Freewheels work inconsistently at best when grease freezes

2. Bodies generate plenty of heat, but keeping toes warm is a losing battle.

3. Cars seem to be more respectful at lower temperatures. Though my sample size is low, I was surprised at the extra room granted this morning, and at nearly every intersection someone unnecessarily yielded for me.

4. Colder = slower. Though the roads were pretty clean, and I felt like I was working hard, it took me longer than ever to make it to work. Not sure if it was because of restricted movements due to the extra layer of cloths


New sled

It has come to my attention that some a few folks actually read this thing and I was chastised for letting it die. Unfortunately my old posts were lost after letting my old account expire, but I have a plan to restore them, at least the text bits.

Anyway, I cobbled together a winter bike with homemade studded tires, full fenders, single speed, and even foam grips for added warmth and it's been a pretty good commuter. Actually the geometry of the frame is really uncomfortable, the front end has a shocking and dangerous amount of flex, the chain falls off fairly regularly, the rims are dented, and the rolling resistance of the tires is so bad that I rarely need to touch the brakes. All the hate for the machine washes away when I get to ride in the conditions it accommodates, so it's all good.

The normal 45 minute max ride to work takes a minimum hour on this frankenbike as compared to my sunny day road bike. The extra time wouldn't be so bad were it not for the cold weather, around the 45 minute mark I'm usually thinking "well, if i were getting to work now I wouldn't lose the feeling in my toes at all". The cold is manageable, but sloppy roads and sliding cars scare me back to the caged warmth of a car. The forecast for tomorrow is -20F for the morning commute, but the roads will be clear...